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Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement®

Adult and Senior / Fitness -
Adult Enrichment 2023-2024

Move better, feel better! Everything we do in life involves sensation and movement, and the Feldenkrais Method® harnesses both, using your brain’s deepest means of improvement (scientists call it “neuroplasticity”) to create change. This class uses exploratory movement and guided attention to evoke new, more efficient neuro-muscular patterns, reducing pain, tension, and fatigue, and improving your coordination, flexibility, balance, strength and focus. During each class, you will be verbally guided through a sequence of movements which can improve every area of the body. Join us and learn to use your whole self more efficiently and pleasurably in all you do!

Join us online! This class will be held using the online platform, Zoom. Simply follow the provided instructions on the day and time of class and Maggie will lead you through the class from the comfort of your own home! This online class is held in partnership with multiple Community Education programs.

Here's what participates  had to say:

*I have learned a lot and look forward to next session.

*I cannot recommend this class strongly enough to anyone with arthritis of chronic pain, or anyone who wants to learn some very easy, relaxing techniques for calming their nerves. Feldenkrais is fantastic, and so is Maggie.


Maggie Vogel-Martin

Maggie first experienced the Feldenkrais Method when a friend recommend the method as an alternative to back surgery for her chronic back pain. She is glad she said “yes” to that recommendation! After three Functional Integration lessons, Maggie felt so much better, she was inspired to learn the method and offer it to others!

Maggie’s background in Engineering (M.S.) and Mathematics (B.S.) is similar to Moshe Feldenkrais’s education and this helped her to feel a connection with the method. It’s important to her that the method has a foundation in science and that it produces consistent, reproducible results and measurable improvement.

Maggie is a 2013 graduate of the New York Feldenkrais Method Professional Training Program and has taught Awareness Through Movement classes in the Twin Cities since 2011.


  Maggie Vogel-Martin

Thursdays, May 23 - Jul 11
5:00 - 6:00 PM

  No Class Jul 4



  Maggie Vogel-Martin

Thursdays, Jul 18 - Aug 15
5:00 - 6:00 PM
